English Information

In a Gentle Way – we can change The World.


The Way of Peace – from the Heart into the Aura
In The Future we will still continue to set focus on Peace.
In blogs, writings and Events Worldwide.

The Pyramid of Inner Peace is a Pyramid with high Energy. It is constructed like The Pyramid in Egypt.
You can feel The Energy at once, when you enter the Room. It is a PowerSpot, which is connected to
other EnergyCenters Globally and Universal.

Connecting: Whereever you are in The World you can connect to The Pyramind of  Inner Peace and its PeaceEnergies and LifePower.

Right now you can connect every day at 10.00 am – 10.15 (danish time) in balancering your energysystem and opening to love to Mother Earth. You connect to the energy of Pyramid of Inner Peace and connected Souls.

You are very welcome to contact me for further information about The Pyramid of Inner Peace,
where groups are meeting, and where you can have Healing – also Distant Healing.
I`m examined in Jung, Healing, NLP and educated Peaceminister.

Your can have Distant Healing around The World.
Contact me for this fantastic way to be together in Time and Space.

I`m also open for working together in our Inner World.
mail: jakobkofoed@mail.dk

In Peace
Jakob Mathias Kofoed


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